Topic: A Question about our Universe

ummmusa88    -- 05-01-2010 @ 8:13 PM
  asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

i was talking to a sister recently and she asked me a few questions about the
universe - i wanted to post it here to benefit from others answers

she was talking about all the galaxies in our universe, and asked:

can it be a possibility that the hell fire is in the sun?

can it be true that jannah is in another galaxy near us?

from my limited knowledge, i told her that all that we see from the stars and
galaxies and nebulas etc are part of dunya, and the seven heavens are above
us, and it is not possible to see them now before death has reached us...

can others please add to this and also correct me if i said anything wrong

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