Topic: 'Eid Prayer - East London    -- 26-11-2009 @ 8:53 PM

Alhamdulillaah, we have arranged the 'Eid Salaah at a Musallah in accordance with the established Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. It is reported on the authority of Aboo Sa'eed al-Khudree radiyallaahu 'anhu who said:

"The Messenger of Allaah on the days of 'Eid-ul-Fitr and 'Eid ul-'Adhaa, used to go out to the musallah and the first thing that he would begin with was the prayer..."
Reported by al-Bukhaari (957), Muslim (889), and an-Nasaa'ee (3/187)

'Eid Salaah will be held at:

Plashet Park, East Ham

>>>>> click here for map <<<<<

@9:00AM Sharp

Friday 27th November

Bring a mat or a blanket to pray on

N.B. We will be gathering in the childrens' play area
in the center of the park

By Tube: East Ham
By Bus: 101, 104, 147, 238, 300, 325
By Car: Click on Map (Pay & Display Parking) ::

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