Topic: Iraanian Raafidees, al-Ma'ribee and Sayyid Qutb    -- 25-09-2003 @ 4:22 PM

The Iranian Raafidees published a stamp in commemoration and honour of the one who shared with them in reviling, cursing and abusing, and negating the Islaam of some of the Sahaabah - the one called Sayyid Qutb al-Misree.

And likewise, the same one called Sayyid Qutb was defended by the one who shared with the Raafidah, and with Sayyid Qutb in reviling the Sahaabah, describing them with absence of tarbiyah and with ghuthaa'iyyah, and other than that - yes, the one called Abul-Hasan al-Misree.

And this is the same Abul-Hasan al-Misree who married the daughter of the one who was imprisoned along with Sayyid Qutb al-Misree. And here is an actual copy of the stamp that the Raafidee dogs of Iraan published to honour this man.


This message was edited by on 9-25-03 @ 4:34 PM

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 25-02-2009 @ 11:26 PM
  Beware of the rafidhis and the qutubis. Beware of their false propaganda which was witnessed during the recent tragedy in Gaza. May Allaah guide al-Ma'ribi and have mercy on Syed Qutb.

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