Topic: Short Biography of Shaykh Hishaam al-Aarif hafidhahullah

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 27-01-2009 @ 1:20 AM
  Shaykh Abu Abdur Rahmaan Hishaam bin Fahmi al-'Aarif was born in 1957 CE in al-Quds Old City, as-Sa'diyyah quarter, near al-Masjid al-Aqsa.  

From those Shoyookh who influenced him and he met and benefited from were Shaykh Ibn Baaz and [url=]Shaykh Ibnul-Uthaymeen[/url] (rahimahumullaah).  

In the UAE, he was assigned to teach and give sermons at the Mosques in the City of al-'Ayen and its surroundings.  

He was assigned to do the same in the Masaajids in al-Quds according to the schedules prepared for him by the Section of Exhortation and Guidance, Ministry of Endowment, the Palestinian Authority, who he was working for in the capacity of an accountant.  He currently holds regular classes in Masjid al-Aqsa and has been doing so for many years.

Website of the Shaykh

sources: and Website of "The Grand Islamic Center" in St. Louis, MO; which was founded on the advice of Shaykh Hisham himself.

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 11-12-2009 @ 7:57 AM
  Shaykh Usaamah al-Uthaybee wrote that [url=]Allamah Dr. Rabee' ibn Haadi al-Madkhalee[/url] hafidhahumullah gave the naseeha on 4th Ramadhan 1429H,
"...the brothers should not direct towards Sheikh Hishaam al-'Aarif any insults or slander. Rather he should be treated with respect and honor due to his precedence in his efforts to spread the call to Allaah in Palestine. If you differ with him in a matter, this should not be made as an excuse to defame him." [1]
[url=]Shaykh Dr. Ahmed Baazmool hafidhahullah[/url] said regarding Shaykh Hishaam's introduction to [url=]this[/url] treatise,
"May Allaah reward Shaykh Hishaam al-'Aarif for his introduction to this treatise, which proves that he is 'aarif (knowledgeable) of the Salafee manhaj." [2]

May Allah protect Shaykh Hishaam and enable us to benefit from his knowledge. Aameen.

1. Page no. 213 of the book "A Collection of Knowledge Based Statements of Guidance from the Guiding Scholar of Hadeeth [1]: Sheikh Rabee'a Ibn Haadee 'Umair al-Madkhalee Regarding: Unity, Advice, Brotherhood & the Call to Allaah" compiled and translated by Abu Sukhailah Khalil Ibn-Abelahyi al-Amreekee(SalafiTalk id: AbuSukhailah)
2. [url=]SalafiTalk[/url]

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