Topic: Lifting The Blame From A Deobandee Claim - Hanafee Salaah

abdul.azeem    -- 25-09-2007 @ 7:27 PM
Claim - 1:-

In Volume 1 page 538 line 16: Ibn al-Qayyim said: Hanafees don't believe in all these ahadeeth. Blatant False accusation. The ahnaf say that ta'deeley arkaan is wajib and namaz will have to be re-read. A simple look in Taleemul Haq that we used to read in mosque will tell you Salafees that.

Before I begin to quote the hanafee evidences, it might be worth to note that Ibn al-Qayyim is not the only one who has criticized the hanafee fiqh. Here I mention a glimpse of what you claim to be your imaam in Tasawwuf of Shaadhilee order!!!

Refutation of Jalal-ad-deen as-Suyuti rahimahullaah on Hanafeeyah

Imaam Jalaaluddeen as-Suyoothi rahimahullaah said:

ومنها : كثرة الاحتياط في مذهبه ، وقلته في مذهب غيره .
And from it is abundance of precaution in the Madh?hab of his (Imam Shaf?ee rahimahullah) and its insufficiency in the other madh?hab (Madh?hab Hanafee)

فمن ذلك : الاحتياط في العبادات ، وأعظمها شأناً : الصلاة ، فمن أدى صلاته على مذهب الشافعي ، كان على يقين من صحتها ، ومن أداها على مذهب مخالف ، وقع الخلاف في صحة صلاته من وجوه
Therefore from that: The (exemplary) precautions in the Ibaadaath (matters pertaining to worship of Allaah) , and the tremendously great position and affair (from it): the Salaah and whosoever performed the Salaah upon the madh?hab of Shaf?ee (which is purely based on hadeeth of Messenger of Allaah) then he shall have yaqeen (certainity) of its Sihah (strength and validity ? with Khushoo and attentiveness)
[ Note:- Khushoo is sometimes an action of the heart like fear, and sometimes of the body, like calmness/stillness and it is said: Both of them must be present?Others say: It is something found in the soul which manifest itself in stillness of the body parts and agrees with what is required for worship ? Ibn Hajar in Fath Vol 2. 225]
And whosoever performs (Salah) upon the madh?hab al-mukhaalif (Madh?hab al-Hanafee based on ra?i and qiyaas) will be confused due to it being controversial and questionable with regards to the Sihah of Salaah on account of the following reasons:

     إجازتهم الوضوء في السفر بنبيذ التمر،

      Their making it permissible to perform wudhoo in journey with intoxicating nabeedh ( muftees of koofah blatantly allowed it as they have reported narrations from Abee Haneefah rahimahullah and they also permit to drink intoxicants other than that of grapes, however there are also narrations from Abee Haneefah rahimahullah that nabeedh tamr shouldn?t be highly concentrated and should be thin watery juice. But that which is well known is they do permit wudhoo with intoxicating nabeedh as Karkhee allowed it and others and one can imagine Imam Suyoothee rahimahullah?s argument with regards to someone who makes wudhoo with intoxicants wa iyyadhubillaah. Even if one makes wudhoo with unconcentrated juice its evidence is based on da?eef hadeeth. Also Thahawee and Qaadee Khan said Aboo Haneefah changed his view but this is a minority opinion held by scholars who were not BLIND FOLLOWERS of hanafee madh?hab and Thahawee al Hanafee is from them no doubt and this is the actual madh?hab of Abee Haneefah rahimahullah that one should follow Saheeh Hadeeth. Whoever does not follow this then he has opposed Abu Haneefah in USOOL and Abu Haneefah is free from all these late comers).

     وتطهير البدن والثوب عن النجاسات بالمائعات ،
      Permissibility of purifying the body and thowb from impurities using fluids (chick pea, baakhalla mixed with water etc.)

     وأجازوا الصلاة في جلد الكلب المذبوح من غير دباغ
     Permissibility of performing salah with dog skin not slaughtered in tannery

     وأجازوا الوضوء بغير نية ولا ترتيب ،
     Permissibility of performing wudhoo without niyyah ( against the hadeeth) and without any sequence ( against the hadeeth).

     وأسقطوه في مس الفرج والملامسة ،
     [This bit is left for hanafees to self-translate]

     وأجازوا الصلاة على ذرق الحمام مع قدر الدرهم من النجاسات الجامدة
      Permissibility of performing salah even if a dirham of hard impurities from excretions or droppings.

     أو ربع الثوب من البول ،
     Or a quarter of thowb/garment having urine.

     ، أو مع كشف بعض العورة
     Or even if some of the awrah are exposed (during Salah its no problem)

     وأبطلوا تعيين التكبير والقراءة
     And their annulment of specifying Takbeer and Qiraath

     وأجازوا القرآن منكوساً وبالفارسية
     Permissibility of reciting the Qur?aan in backward direction (or upside down) and even in Farsee language.

     وأسقطوا وجوب الطمأنينة في الركوع والسجود والإعتدال من الركوع وبين السجدتين ،
     They dropped the obligation/rukn of Ithminaan in Rukoo and Sujood and I?tidaal during rukoo and between two sajdahs.

     والتشهد والصلاة على النبي ( صلى الله عليه و على آله و سلم ) في الصلاة مع الخروج عنها بالحديث
     Dropping also Thashahhud and Durood upon the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and exiting the Salaah by talk.

     وأبطلنا نحن الصلاة في هذه الوجوه ،
     And due to these reasons we deemed the salaah to be baatil.

     وأوجبنا الإعادة على من صلى خلف واحد من هؤلاء ،
     And we enjoined and obligation of repetition of salaah upon the one who prayed behind one of these (hanafees).

[Taken from Jazeel al-Mawaahib Fee Ikhthilaaf-il-Madhaahib]

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