Topic: Abdul-Qadir And Luton/Brixton are ONE!

Sulaifi    -- 13-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM
  The title above is from me, since I see NO difference between them. And I am sure neither do thousands of other Salafis around the world.

Taken from

Sayings of the Scholars Concerning Abdul-Qadir al-Lootonee al-Muqallid al-Kadhhaab

1. Shaykh Rabee: "Safeeh (idiot, fool)"

2. Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee: "Perhaps this man is an Innovator, or even greater than him (i.e. Abul-Hasan)..."

3. Shaykh Faalih: "kadhdhaab (liar)...dajjaal (extreme liar)...affaak (great slanderer)... he desires baatil... saahibu hawaa (a person of desires)... this man is ignorant (jaahil) ..." (after reading one of his articles defending Abul-Hasan by listing so called mistakes of the Scholars in Usool).

4. Shaykh Hamad al-Uthmaan: "Kadhhaab ... he splits the Salafees"

Sulaifi    -- 13-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM


1. Exposition of the Saahibu Hawaa of Luton, and those with him and who are upon a position similar to him, and who ally with him and co-operate with him, and share certain ways of thinking with him. So who are the Muqallidah? Those who are with all of these scholars, and who have firmly established evidences and proofs of the misguidance of this Innovator of M'arib? Or the likes of this Saahibu Hawaa who have absolutely nothing in their favour or in support of them, except the husn udh-dhann of Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad for Abul-Hasan?

2. Exposition of the Plots and Plans of the Misguided Ahya Hizb (that is only two or three people AND NOTHING MORE!), who only come out in times of Fitan, and carefully watch and wait like vultures until they can use something to spread corruption upon the earth, while they are not really concerned about the truth in the particular matter they are indulging in. This was their way previously, and this is what they embarked upon most recently in the most superb display of cowardice and deception concerning the comments of Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin upon one of the baatil, statements of innovation and deviation of Abul-Fitan al-Mubtadi'.

3. The Salafees (here in the UK) have actually been experiencing this manhaj of Abul-Hasan for quite a time (the past 3 or 4 years) from people who claim to be upon the Salafee way and with the Scholars but their statements and actions never seemed to be in line with the Salafee way and manhaj and the sound correct positions, and they never really were with the clear Salafees, even though they might have claimed as such. However, we could not quite identify this behaviour and put a finger on it and classify it, up until this fitnah of Abul-Hasan emerged and his baatil principles came out in the open.

Now, by way of this fitnah (alhamdulillaah), it has become clear that many of those who claim to be Salafee (and still do), then the way they behaved towards us over the past years, and their secret ill-feelings, and their working against us, and tending to join with everyone who turned out to be a hizbee in the end (like Hidaayah, and Abdul-Qaadir, and many others up and down the country who are from the same network, whether that be in Bradford, Leeds, Birmingham, Middlesbrough, London), and always making excuses for them, and maintaining intimacy and contact with them, and rushing to verify things from these Hizbees and those like them in the various parts of the country when the clear Salafees speak about them, whilst always having aversion against the clear Salafees, and never accompanying them or being with them, and always doubting them, and never rushing to verify things with the clear firm Salafees when the Hizbees speak about them or make claims against them, and always accusing the Salafees of being "harsh" (i.e. like "haddaadiyyah" nowadays, made famous by Abul-Hasan), and believing everything that the hizbees claim about the Salafees without verification... Then alhamdulillaah, now we know, by way of this fitnah, that these people and their likes, are actually the Mumayyi'ah upon the manhaj of Tamyee', which precipitated in the open da'wa of Abul-Fitan al-Mubtadi'.

Alhamdulillaah, now, what we had perceived for years in this da'wah, has come out and has been identified and has been classified as Tamyee'! Every fitnah always has some good to it! Purification, and separation.

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