Topic: Safwat Noorudeen dies last Thursday in Makkah

abdulilah    -- 27-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM
  Safwaat Nooradeen the head of Ansaar Sunnah in Egypt who has defended Sayid Qutb dies last Thursday. Sheikh Muhammad Abdulwahhab al Banna said he came to me on the wednesday 1 day before he died and i advised him to fear Allaah and not to defend Sayid Qutb and to not speak ill of those who critisized Sayid Qutb and his mistakes. The next day he died and they prayed over him in the haram.

Sheikh al Banna's family told my family:
"This was the only year he did not bring his family."

Sheikh al Banna said that he had advised him on numerous occasions but he dies and leaves behind Ansaar Sunnah in Egypt with the thinking and methodology of the Ikhwaan al Muslimeen.
Allaahu Musta'aan. Sheikh al Banna said that he thought he was salafi until he started defending Sayid Qutb. " For a salafi is not one who defends Sayid Qutb" as the sheikh said when he also refuted Abu Hasan al Ma'rabi.

The end result is indeed to Allaah, so take heed that you do not die without repenting to Allaah and following closely this blessed salafi path of Allaah.

Stick closely to the Ulamah, the elders in times of fitn.

Sheikh al Banna will be travelling to Egypt soon inshaallaah to sort things out there.  

Sheikh Rabee', the Imaam of Jarh wa Ta'deel, Sadaqa Al Albaani rahimahullah

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