Topic: The London Conference 2011

SalafiEvents    -- 08-04-2011 @ 4:15 PM
We are please to announce
"The London Conference 2011"

Salafi Events
The London Conference 2011
"In the Footsteps of the Noble Generations"

A series of lectures over 2 days designed to help understand Islam the way the companions of the Messenger did.

Live Tele-Links from our Scholars...

Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree (Madinah, KSA)
Shaykh Rabee bin Haadee al-Madkhalee (Makkah, KSA)
Shaykh Saalih al-Luhaydaan (Riyadh, KSA)
Shaykh Ali al-Haddadee (Riyadh, KSA)

Confirmed & Attending in Person:

Dawud Adeeb (USA)
Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Waahid (Birmingham, UK)
Abu Abdillah Hasan as-Somaali (Cardiff, UK)
Abu Hakeem Bilaal Davis (Birmingham, UK)
Abu Hafsah Kashiff Khan (New Jersey, USA)
Abu Suhaib as-Somali (Birmingham, UK)

Register NOW for the The London Conference 2011 by emailing: with your full name, email address, telephone number and collect a FREE dawah pack at the event!

28th-29th MAY 2011 (Bank Holiday Weekend)
Saturday & Sunday 11am-10pm
ý3 a day for adults, children under 10 FREE!

Exning Road
Canning Town
E16 4ND

******************PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD*****************
For hiring of stalls, vendors & enquiries please call:
Brothers 07960 040 848 / Sisters 07960 040 949

Visit us:

Abu.Maryam.T    -- 11-04-2011 @ 1:58 PM

ilyas.abu.ameenah    -- 11-04-2011 @ 9:08 PM
  As salam alaykum, I will inshaa Allah attend this London Conference and I want to ask, if there will be Bookstall at this Conference from the NEW and Latest Additions?

Because I want to buy the Book "The Salafi Methodology, its definition, distinct characteristics & its call towards rectification" by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Umar Baazmool inshaa Allah.

And what about selling CDýs from the Latest Lectures and Khutbaýs from Abu Khadeejah, Abu Hakeem and so on?

I hope that you will take the chance to sell there a lot of Books and CDýs inshaa Allah.

Hope to see u there inshaa Allah.

Your Salafi Bro from Germany

As salam alaykum

Uthmaan.Iqbal    -- 12-04-2011 @ 1:13 PM
  As'salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah

Does anyone know what Dawud Adeeb and Kashif Khan's respective schedules are like for when they come to the UK insha'Allaah?

I'm asking because I would like to know if either of the brothers (may Allaah reward them) would be available to do a lecture at Markaz Muaadh in Slough during their stay. If anyone has any contact details for these brothers, please let me know.

Jazakamullaahu khairun

SalafiEvents    -- 16-04-2011 @ 12:46 AM
  Hotel Bookings:

For those of you who wish to stay over the Bank Holiday weekend and Benefit from the Conference, please see below a link for Hotels:,0.009356&sspn=0.023708,0.054846&ie=UTF8&rq=1&ev=zo&split=1&radius=1.41&hq=Hotels&hnear=&ll=51.528504,0.009356&spn=0.023708,0.054846&z=14

Travel Information:

You can also get cheap tickets, if you book train tickets early from following links...

Example of trains journeys from different UK city...
Bradford Interchange to London West Ham underground station in under 4hours 30mins via Northern Rail, East Coast, C2C and London underground trains (4 changes)

Birmingham New Street to London West Ham underground station in under 2hous 30mins via Virgin, C2C and London underground trains (3 changes).

Cardiff Central to London West Ham underground station in under 3hours 30mins via First Great Western, C2C and London underground trains (3 changes)

Manchester Piccadilly to London West Ham underground station in under 3hours 30mins via Virgin, C2C and London underground trains (3 changes).

Abu.Maryam.T    -- 18-04-2011 @ 6:47 PM

SalafiEvents    -- 30-04-2011 @ 12:59 PM

The London Conference 2011
A3 Poster

Display it in your local community
Invite all your family and friends
Men, Women, Children, Muslims and non-Muslims all welcome

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The London Conference 2011

was salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah

SalafiEvents    -- 24-05-2011 @ 2:50 AM

The London Conference 2011

"In the Footsteps of the Noble Generations"

Insha'Allah will broadcast from


Just login to Paltalk direct from our website


Listen to the conference LIVE from anywhere in the world!!!

Register NOW with WizIQ


No filthy ads or pop-ups - Free and easy - Web based so nothing to download

was salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah

SalafiEvents    -- 27-05-2011 @ 12:57 PM

Conference Itinerary

Saturday 28th of May

11.00am 11.15am
Introduction/Welcome to our Conference

11.15am 12.15pm
Who are the Pious Predecessors (The Salaf) And Why We Should Follow Their Path - Abu Khadeejah

12.15pm 1pm
A Motivation, on how the Salaf acquired knowledge - Kashiff Khan (USA)

1pm 1.45pm (Dhuhr/BREAK)

1.45pm 2.30pm
So relate the stories, perhaps they may reflect - Abu Hakeem

2.30pm 3.15pm
An Example of how the Early Muslims lived - Kashiff Khan (USA)

3.30pm 4.30pm
Live Tele-Link

4.30pm 5.15pm
Sticking to the truth in times of Hardship - Hasan as-Somaalee

5.15 6pm

6pm 7pm      
Live Tele-Link

7pm 8pm
Innovations Are Not Introduced Except That The Sunnah Is Abandoned - Abu Khadeejah

8pm 9pm
Q&A Session (Panel of speakers)

9pm 9.30pm
(BREAK) Magrib


Sunday 29th of May

11 am 12pm
The Virtues of Seeking Knowledge (SOMALI Language) - Abu Suhaib as-Somaalee

12pm 1pm
The Path to Happiness & Salvation - Abu Hakeem

1pm 1.45pm

1.45pm 2.30pm
Mankinds Greatest Need & the danger of Shirk (URDU language) - Kashiff Khan (USA)

2.30pm 3.15pm
My Advise to the People of Sunnah of Imaam Muqbil bin Haadee (Rahimahullaah) - Abu Khadeejah

3.30pm 4.30pm
Live Tele-Links

4.30pm 5.15pm
The Cure for Splitting between The Muslims - Kashiff Khan

5.15pm 6pm

6pm 7pm
Live Tele-Link

7pm 8pm
Verily this knowledge is religion, so look who you take your religion from - Abu Hakeem

8pm 9pm
Q&A Session FINAL REMINDER (Panel of speakers)
Abu Hakeem
Abu Khadeejah
Kashif Khan
Hasan as-Somaalee

9pm 9.30pm
(BREAK) Magrib

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