Topic: About the section In Defense of the scholars

Umar^111    -- 26-12-2010 @ 8:33 PM
  Asalamu alaykum
Shaykh AbdulMuhsin praises Shaykh Yahyaa al-Hajooree this Hajj 1431. This
Hajj 1431 the brother Majdee bin A'lee bin as-Sayyid Sultaan al-Misree who
has been studying with ash-Shaykh Muhammad bin Adam ath-Thyubee for fifteen
years asked ash-Shaykh Abdul Muhsin al-Abbaad about Shaykh Yahyaa al-
Hajooree, so he, may Allah preserve him, said


" He (Shaykh Yahyaa) is a Great Scholar and a Faqeeh


Shaykh Yahyaa is an Allaamah Muhadith

shaykh rabee says


Shaikh Yahya is from the best of people and has filled a great gap.


Your brother Shaikh Yahya is from the most excellent of scholars; and they
have characteristics that are not found elsewhere in this world. They teach
not for the sake of certificates, nor for the sake of money - meaning you
find in the Emirates or Saudi Arabia one who gives islamic verdicts for
twenty thousand or thirty thousand (salary) - but these (Shaikh Yahya)
don't receive money from the government nor from other than them but they
teach and give lessons for the sake of Allah and to see his Face. Glorified
be Allah, for this is a characteristic of yours (i.e. the people of Yemen)
and your da'wah; so respect this blessing and guard it so that it remains
strong, may Allah bless you.

you can find more here Insha Allah Barak Allah feekum be just and fair

The Scholars' Defense of Dar-ul-Hadith, Dammaaj and their defense of Shaikh


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