Topic: Combining Maghrib and Isha in summer months

dawud-ASWJ    -- 02-07-2010 @ 11:59 PM
  Assalamu Alaykum

In Sheffield this occurs in a number of masajid and I needed to know any conditions for this. Can Salah be combined at home? Can Sisters do it? How do you determine when the distance between fajr and isha is big enough that its no longer permissable. Can I stay awake after combing salah?

A thorough epxlanation of this is useful as I never witnessed this till I justr moved to sheffield but I heard some good ulema have said its ok and that the brothers in birmingham combine salah

anything good was from allah. All errors were from myself and satan

jazakum allahu khair

assalamu alaykum wa rahmah tullahi wa barakatuhu

Amin_Abu_Nouhad    -- 08-07-2010 @ 8:06 PM
  as salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Could someone perhaps post the texts or audios from those Ulama who permit combining. I would also like to know if there are any conditions as the brother mentioned.

Abu Nouhad

Jameel.Finch    -- 09-07-2010 @ 12:58 AM
  Wa 'Alaykumus Salaam,


Edit: I wanted to add this quote to clarify the issue being addressed:


Could someone perhaps post the texts or audios from those Ulama who permit combining...

Here is a small bit of information (1) I found about combining congregational prayers. I ask
Allah, The All Able, to make its presentation sincere, clear and beneficial:

[1] - Imaam an-Nawawi [d. 676 AH] entitled a chapter heading "Combining Prayers While Being A
Resident (i.e. not traveling)." (2)

[2] - Here is a proof aiding Imaam an-Nawawi's chapter heading:

(a.) On the authority of Ibn 'Abbaas [d. 68 AH]: "The Messenger of Allah, prayers and peace be
upon him, while in Madeenah [his place of residence], combined between ath-Thur prayer and
al-'Asr prayer. He also combined between al-Maghrib prayer and al-'Ishaa prayer. He combined
between these prayers whilst neither in a state of fear nor was it raining." [Muslim - #705]

(b.) And in another narration, "nor was he traveling" [Muslim #705]

Angle of Proof (3): These two narrations combined show that neither fear, rain nor travel were
the reasons for combining; rather:

(c.) It was said to Ibn 'Abbaas: "Why did he, prayers and peace be upon him, do that?" He (Ibn
'Abbaas) said, "He, prayers and peace be upon him, did that to make things easy on his nation."
[Muslim - #705]

The angle of proof (4) in Ibn 'Abbaas's statement is that the sole reason the Messenger, prayers
and peace be upon him, combined prayers was to make things easy on his nation.

[3] - Perhaps one might say, "Maybe the Messenger of Allah, prayers and peace upon him,
combined because he was ill in those instances."

Imaam an-Nawawi answered this possibility by saying, "Had that been the case, Ibn 'Abbaas
would have mentioned that when asked about the reason for combining prayers in those
instances" (5)

[4] - Here are three Mountains of Knowledge who see this position to be correct (6):

1. Muhammad b. Seereen [d. 110 AH]

2. Rabee'ah b. 'Abdur-Rahmaan (Imaam Maalik's shakyh) [d. 136 AH]  

3. Ibn Munthir [d. 318 AH]

[5] - In conclusion, some scholars see it as permissible to combine congregational prayers whilst
being a resident, with the purpose of making things easy on the Muslims.

[6] - Very Important point: A condition laid down by those who see this position to be correct is
that combining congregational prayers should not be done habitually (6).

And Allah knows best.

Your brother in Islaam and the Sunnah

Jameel Finch


(1) - This issue is discussed in detail in Imaam ash-Shawkaanee's Nayl al-Awtaar, vol. 6,

(2) - An Explanation of Saheeh Muslim by: Imaam Nawawi, vol. 5, pp. 221

TN: This is important because from the titles of chapter headings found in the books of
Prophetic traditions (Hadith), you understand what the author is trying to establish in the
Prophetic traditions that he is going to mention in that chapter.

(3) - An Explanation of Sunan an-Nisaaee by: Muhammad Aadam, vol. 7, pg. 253

(4) - An Explanation of Sunan an-Nisaaee by: Muhammad Aadam, vol. 7, pg. 252

(5) - An Explanation of Saheeh Muslim by: Imam Nawawi, vol. 5, pp. 225

(6) - See Nayl al-Awtaar by: Imaam ash-Shawkaanee, vol. 6, pp. 201.

(7) - See previous footnote.

dawud-ASWJ    -- 10-07-2010 @ 12:28 AM
  jazak allahu khair brother

But by not doing it habitually, does this mean it shud not be done every day? Its just some masajid do it every day in the summer months.

Also can you still combine if u didnt pray in a jama'ah and can sisters combine? Do you have to sleep straight after combining? A thorough work on this issue wud be most beneficial inshallah

anything good was from allah. All errors were from myself and satan

jazakum allahu khair

assalamu alaykum wa rahmah tullahi wa barakatuhu

Sundus    -- 15-07-2010 @ 9:32 AM
  how would you pray these prayers? are they like the qasr joined prayers or different?
for example: for zhuhr with asr combined prayer would you pray two four raka'ah fardhs together or two two rakah fardhs together like you would for qasr combined prayers

and what about maghrib?
jazakallah khairun

Jameel.Finch    -- 23-07-2010 @ 12:10 AM


how would you pray these prayers? are they like the qasr joined prayers or different?  for example: for zhuhr with asr combined prayer would you pray two four raka'ah fardhs together or two two rakah fardhs together like you would for qasr combined prayers and what about maghrib?

On the authority on Ibn 'Abbaas, may Allaah be pleased with him, "I prayed with the Messenger of Allaah, prayers and peace upon him, in Madeenah, eight units of prayer combined and seven units of prayer combined..." [Authentic: Sunan an-Nisaaee #589 / al-Albaanee]

Muhammad Aadam, may Allaah protect him, commented by saying: "The statement of Ibn 'Abbaas: 'eight units of prayers combined' means: four units for ath-Thur and four for al-'Asr. And his statement: 'seven units of prayer combined' means: three units for al-Maghrib and four for al-'Ishaa." [Explanation of an-Nisaaee, Muhammad Aadam, vol. 7, pg. 250]

Your brother in Islaam and the Sunnah,

Jameel Finch

Amin_Abu_Nouhad    -- 28-07-2010 @ 12:31 AM
  as salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, akhee Dawud, that.s also one of my worries. I personally understand combining maghreb and isha every day for 4 to 8 weeks as habitual.

Barakallahufeek akhee, Jameel, for your help in this issue. The fact that combining is allowed in established by the sunnah as you have pointed out. But as brother Dawud mentioned, what exactly are the conditions?

I heard an audio by Shaykh Ubaid al-Jabiri (translated by brother Abu Hakeem), but the shaykh was asked about the young and those who need to do so. The shaykh (in this particulair audio) did not mention that the whole mosque should combine every day for 4 to 8 weeks. Also, the shaykh mentioned some other conditions such as 3 to 4 hours being in between Isha and Fajr.

I will try to find the audio and post it here for reference.

Anyway, I have found a booklet which was written by the comite of senior scholars and signed by the permanent comite about the combining of Maghreb and Ishaa during summer months. They hold it as impermissible.

This is the direct link:


I have a copy/paste wordfile of the booklet in the attachment.

Can some of the knowledgable brothers have a look at this document?


Abu Nouhad

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