Topic: Advice to the Youth of Ahlus Sunnah By Sheikh Ibrahim Ibn A'mir Ar Ruhaylee

Amin_Abu_Nouhad    -- 13-06-2010 @ 11:36 PM
  As Salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

Hereby I would like to share a booklet with the brothers and sisters by Sheikh Ibrahim Ar-Ruhaylee which he wrote in the Prophet's city al-Madinah in the year 1424/10/8.

Shaykh Saalih bin Sa'd as-Suhaymee praised the booklet in a recorded telephone conversation dated June 2009 stating:

"read the book by Ibraheem ar-Ruhaylee, it's called An-Naseehah. Read it. This is a great book regarding the Dawabit (conditions and restrictions) of al-Hajr; when you can and when you can not apply Hajr"

I came across this booklet in a bookshop and found it was extremely beneficial and enlightening. It did not contain any copyright notice so I typed it into a wordfile to be able to share it electronically. If you would like to have a hard copy, the booklet is available for purchase at TROID bookstore.


May Allah reward the shaykh for his effords, and benefit those who read the booklet.

As salamu alaykum,

Amin Abu Nouhad

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