Topic: Fighting in Dammaj

Nasir-as-somalee    -- 12-01-2010 @ 5:16 PM
  Bismillah Arahman Araheem

Asalamu alaikum

I hope more brothers, will translate this link from sahab as the story happens so the brothers in the west can follow the Jihaad thats bieng carried out by Yemeni and Saudi Scholars......

your brother in sunnah, Abu Saalih, Abdinasir Ibn Abdullahi Elmi Assomalee


Timeline of Events in Dammaaj

    The following is a brief summary of recent events that have taken place in Dammaaj, one of the few strongholds of the Sunnah and its people. It is taken from a post on sahab mostly by Abu ýAbdullaah Husayn al Kahlanee.

    ý The students of knowledge in Daarul Hadeeth in Dammaaj were abstaining from participating in the battles that were ignited by the Hoothies and were in a state of calmness. They were busy with their studies and goodness under their noble Shaykh ý Yahyaa al Haajooree ý may Allaah preserve and protect him. At the same time they feared the treachery of the Raafidah Hoothies as this is known from them, so they prepared to defend themselves, their families, homes and center;

    ý Approximately two weeks ago, the Hoothies proved treacherous and attacked the center, the students of knowledge defended themselves and repelled them and to Allaah belongs all praise;

    ý 04/01/1431: A student of knowledge was shot by the Hoothies, both sides exchanged fireý

    ý Despite this, lessons continued with calmness and tranquility as well as bravery and preparation from all the students of knowledge. We ask Allaah to preserve them and their state and support them against the Hoothies;

    ý 06/04/1431: Shaykh ýAbdul Hameed al Haajooree and brother Husayn al Haajooree revealed the following through a telephone call: The tribe of Waadiýee and some of the students of knowledge attacked the tyrannical Hoothies after their treachery. There were casualties on both sides including Shaykh ýAbdul Hameedýs brother in law, may Allaah have mercy upon him and grant him Jannah, along with all his brothers;

    ý 07/01/1431: The state remains the same, with the exception of fighter jets now targeting Hoothie strongholds;

    ý When Shaykh Rabeeý may Allaah preserve him became aware of the state of affairs in Dammaaj, he called Shaykh Yahyaa al Haajooree giving his condolences for those whom we hope have been martyred from the students of knowledge as has been reported by Shaykh Abu Hammaam as Sowmaýee;

    ý There is calmness at the center in Dammaaj and all general as well as specific lessons continue as they were before;

    ý 09/01/1431: An assault takes place against the Hoothies that included some students of knowledge. There were casualties on both sides but the Hoothies were defeated and the operation was a success and all praise is due to Allaah. Shaykh Yahyaa continues to teach and enjoin patience upon the students as they defend themselves against the Hoothies;

    ý 10/01/1431: The Hoothies detonated an area where some of the brothers were taking guard, one was killed and three were severely injured;

    ý 11/01/1431: Calmness and tranquility resume at the center as the Yemeni government continues to pound Hoothie strongholds;

    ý On this day, Darul Hadeeth in Dammaaj is in a state that has not been witnessed in many months, as great numbers of students of knowledge arrive at Dammaaj from various cities, towns and centers from around Yemen to support their brothers (Allaahu Akbar);

    ý 12/01/1431: A call to Shaykh ýAbdul Hameed al Haajooree reveals a state of calmness and tranquility in Dammaaj. One of the strongholds of the Hoothies that was used to attack the center in Dammaaj was destroyed by fighter jets;

    ý 14/01/1431: Shaykh Muhammad ibn Rabeeý ibn Haadee al Madkhalee summarized the meaning of the verse {Those to whom the people said, ýVerily, the people have gathered against you (a great army), therefore, fear them.ý But it (only) increased them in Faith, and they said: ýAllaah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us).ý} on sahab and clarifies that the Raafidah are more dangerous to Ahlus Sunnah than anyone else. He makes Duýaa that Allaah takes revenge for the vilification of ýAaisha and the companions of the Messenger and bears witness for his love for them including Ahlul Bayt. Calmness and tranquility continue at Darul Haadeeth.

    May Allaah preserve and protect them. The Hoothies have also transgressed over the Saudi border as Shaykh Yahyaa mentioned previously:

    ýit is the Raafidah who are the oppressors who started this trial, and it is not only Yemen that is their goal, rather they have books where they have the whole Arab peninsula as their objective. So do not think that they only want Saýdahýý

    Joining the Saudi soldiers were two mountains of knowledge, Shaykh Zayd al Madkhalee and Shaykh Saaleh as Suhaymee, they were there educating the soldiers, increasing their Eemaan, and encouraging them.

    Abu ýEesaa al Kamilee reported that he accompanied Shaykh Muhammad ibn Haadee al Madkhalee to the southern border around two weeks ago. He joined his brothers from the scholars and the soldiers.

    All three of them were in the midst of the battles, clarifying the truth, giving lessons and encouraging the soldiers. Scholars in speech and action, may Allaah preserve and protect them all.

    Translator: Nadir Ahmad, Abu Abdul-Waahid

    Date Published: Friday, 01 January 2010


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