Topic: هل هناك فرق بين الارادات والنيات؟

AbuUkkaasha    -- 02-12-2004 @ 5:47 PM
  As-Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu! I was reading in Al-Jawaabul Kaafee Liman Saa'ala Anid-Dawaa'ee Shaafee by Imaam Shamsud-deen Muhammad Bin Abee Bakr Bin Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah [rahimahullaah] where he mentioned:


و أما الشرك في الاادات و النيات فذلك البحر لا ساحل له و قل من ينجو منه فمن أراد بعمله غير وجه الله و  نوى شيئا غير التقرب اليه, و طلب الجزاء منه, فقد أشرك في نيته و ارادته.


And as for Shirk in Iraadaat and Niyyaat then that is a sea of which there are no shores and very few have been saved from [falling into ] it so whoever desires with his action other than the Face of Allaah or intends something other than drawing closer to Him, and desires to be rewarded from Him then he has committed Shirk in his Niyyah and in His Iraadah. [pg. 201 in the first printing by Maktabatul Ma'aarif in Riyadh]

My question is what is the difference between Iraadaat and Niyyaat? Or do they mean the same as we find with other words Like Islaam and Imaan when mentioned together but when mentioned separately mean other things? Can any of the Tullab answer this particular question? Ahsanullaahu Ilayk.

فمن كان يريد حقا الرجوع الى الكتاب والسنة, فليزمه الرجوع الى ما كان عليه أصحاب النبي عليه السلام و التابعين و أتباعهم من بعدهم

This message was edited by AbuUkkaasha on 12-2-04 @ 6:13 PM

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