Topic: Missing the 1st Rak3ah but the Eemaam Did 5 Raka3aat

rasheed_    -- 03-11-2008 @ 9:39 PM
  Assalaamu alaikum,

Does anyone know the ruling on the one who was late for the Salaah and
missed the 1st raka3ah, however, the eemaam made a mistake and added an
extra raka3ah to total 5 raka3aat (for the 3aSr prayer in this case)?

Does the late comer stand up after sajdatus-sahw and complete the raka3ah
he missed or does he end the prayer with the eemaam because he would have
fulfilled the required number of raka3aat for that prayer?

Aboo Haneef Rasheed Mitchell

Moosaa    -- 25-11-2008 @ 9:18 PM
  wa 'alaykumus-salaam wa rahmatullaahi.

Jazaak Allaah khayran.  Nice question!

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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