Topic: Taking Marital Advice from the Kufar books.

Umm.Nasirah.Samirah    -- 06-08-2005 @ 7:41 PM
  As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.

In a e-group I belong to there is a thread where a sister is having marital issues she asked for advice. Instead of directing the sister to sound Islamic material several sisters although mentioning it was BEST to go by Qur'an and Sunnah "highly" recommended 2 books written by the Kufar one by a women the other by a Dr. The first book by the woman directs the sister to a website  (website removed) After examining the website this woman also advocates dating fornicating and such. The other Book Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. Is a Book by a Psychologist which goes into sexual desires in the relationship in the book. Are these type of books halal for us to use as a means of refference for us to use in aiding us in our relationships since they are not supported by the Qur'an and Sunnah and do not adhere to our Islamic lifestyles they are also being brought into our homes to where there is a chance our children can be in contact and read these books.

I replied with authentic material for the sister to refer to but as Salafi's should we be allowing such materials in our homes or in the groups we manage?
Jazakhullah Khairun

Samirah bint Jackie Dean Todd. Philadelphia,PA, USA.

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wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

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