Topic: travels for work daily

abu.naimah.shamsuddi    -- 26-06-2005 @ 5:41 PM
  Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah;

I had asked the question, if anyone was aware of information from the Scholars of the Islam, concerning someone who travels daily approximately 80 miles for work, is he to be considered musafir and may he shorten his Prayers, and if so, how long could he continue to shorten his Prayer?

Abu Na'imah Shamsuddin Abdul-Hakim ibn Harold Simmons, Aiken, SC, USA

Umm.Rizqin.Rosinah    -- 29-06-2005 @ 1:37 PM
  Assalamualaykum warahmatuAllahi wabarakatuh

   Question :

I travel aproximately 40 miles to work by car everyday between Monday and Friday,may I shorthen my prayers at work even if I am travelling everyday?

Answer :

    If a person travels 100 km from his town, or thereabouts, he may follow the rulings of travel by shortening his prayers, not fasting, combining his prayers and wiping over his socks [in wudooâ??] for three days, because this distance is considered to be traveling. The same applies if he travels 80 km or thereabouts; that is considered to be the distance which dictates that prayers may be shortened according to the majority of scholars.

    Fatawa Islamiyyah, vol 1

This message was edited by Umm.Rizqin.Rosinah on 6-29-05 @ 3:37 PM

abu.naimah.shamsuddi    -- 01-07-2005 @ 3:26 AM
  wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh;

May Allah Ta'Ala reward you.

The Muslim who travels for work, was there any additional information stating THE LENGTH OF TIME HE MAY SHORTEN HIS PRAYER [i.e. days, weeks, months, etc.]?

Abu Na'imah Shamsuddin Abdul-Hakim ibn Harold Simmons, Aiken, SC, USA

This message was edited by abu.naimah.shamsuddi on 7-7-05 @ 5:41 PM

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