Topic: Usool al-Fiqh terminology: Rukhsah (Concession) & 'Azeemah (Basic Established Ruling)

Moosaa    -- 13-05-2005 @ 12:00 PM

The usooliyyoon define a "rukhsah" as:

1 - استباحة المحظور مع قيام الحاظر
2 - ما ثبت على خلاف دليل شرعي لمعارض راجح

basically that which is specifically made permissible from a general prohibition, ie. a concession...

It is the opposite of an 'azeemah, which is the basic general rule established by evidence, or:

الحكم الثابت من غير مخالفة دليل شرعي

An example of an 'azeemah is: the prohibition of praying without wudhoo'.

And a rukhsah would be the permissibility of making tayammum for the one who does not have access to water, or the water will harm him.

And for every rukhsah there is an 'azeemah, and the opposite is not true.

May Allaah grant you success.

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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