Topic: Walima..

Umm.Medyen.Ameenah    -- 27-03-2005 @ 11:56 PM
  Bismillah Wa Inna Alhamdalillaahi Wahdahu Wa SalAllaahu Wa Sallam 'Alaa Khaatim Al-Anbiyya' Wa 'Alaa Aalihee Wa Ashaabihee Wa 'Alaa Manittaba'a Hudaah

I ask Allaah, the Noble Lord of the Great Throne, that He be your Protector in this World and the Hereafter, and that He makes you blessed wherever you are, and that He makes you from those people that, when given, are thankful, and when tested, are patient, and when they sin, they repent. And verily these three are the keys to happiness.

I pray you are all in the best of health and the richest of emaan insha?allaah wa ta aala ameen..

Please clairfy as it?s posted for a sister of mine, she needs it ASAP Jazakallaah Khair


What is the condition of a walima? Does there need to be a minimal amount of people who attend? Also if you are from a background where you are upon alhamduillaah Dawut-us-salafiyyah, should your guest ONLY consist of that, ie those that are upon the dawah. Also, is it advisable to invite people that hold Jealousy & Hasad for you and your family even if they are your close family friends.(i.e it would cause a fitn with your parents if you said that you dont want them to come)-(And from those that have been mentioned, she has been hit by their hasad on more than 1 occasion)

Please clarify, Jazakallaah Khair

Subhaanak Allaahumma Wa Bihamdika Ash-Hadu Anna Laa Ilaaha Illaa Anta Astagfiruka Wa Atoobu Ilayk

As Salaamu'alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu

Fi amanAllaah

Umm Medyen Ameenah Mik?aeel

This message was edited by Umm.Medyen.Ameenah on 3-29-05 @ 2:24 AM

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