Topic: When two people are praying together and a third person wants to join

ifthikar.saifudeen    -- 03-10-2003 @ 1:45 AM

When only two people are performing the prayer together in congregation standing in one row and a third person wants to join the congregation, is it correct according to the Sunnah,

a) That the Imam of the congregational prayer step forward so that the person who arrived late join the other who was praying on the same row.


b)Does the person who was following the Imam step backwards to join the latecomer to form a row behind the Imam.

If someone knows the answer to the above question, could you please post it with the evidences.

Barakallah feek,

shahid393    -- 03-10-2003 @ 6:13 PM
  as-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah,

this is what i found in the book, straightening the lines for prayer (which is available at:


Jabir Bin 'Abdullah mentioned praying with Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) on time;


"So I stood at his left, then he took me by my hand and made me stand at his right.  Jabir Bin Sakhr cam e to stand at the left of Allah's Messenger. He took both of us by our hands and pushed us back until  we stood behind him."  (Recorded by Muslim, Abu Dawud and others.)

aboo husaam shaheed williams

ifthikar.saifudeen    -- 03-10-2003 @ 7:14 PM
  Wa alaikum Salaam wa rahmatullahi wabarakathuhu,

Jazakallah khair and Barakallah feek, brother Shaheed.

- Ifthikar

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