Topic: spirit vinegar and it's likes

Umm.Mariam    -- 13-08-2003 @ 7:37 AM

Assalaamu alaikum,

Please could any of the tullaab clarify from one of the scholars regarding the issue of vinegar and it's types - and their permissibility.  As we have heard differing views on this and seek clarity. Vinegars such as white wine vinegar, red wine vinegar, spirit vinegar and just plain vinegar etc.

There are some small booklets published regarding this but they are written by Hanafi scholars and based upon their opinons - thus of no benefit to us.

Please clarify for us may Allah bless you.  As these vinegars are contained in many everyday things that our children enjoy eating - such as salad cream, ketchup and also things like marinade sauces for chicken and fish etc.

May Allah protect the salafi's and their children from eating from the haraam.  And make all of our provisions halaal, ameen.

JazaakaAllahu khairan.
Wassalaamu alaikum

Umm Mariam

azud2    -- 24-09-2009 @ 9:19 PM


I also would like one of the students of knowledge to address this issue.

Ihave come across the following hadith in Bulugh Al-Muram of Ibn Hajar al-asqalani:

Narrated Anas bin Malik(radiallah anho): Allah's Messenger(Salalaho alyhi wasalam) was asked about making vinegar out of alcohol. He said,"No (it is prohibited) Reported by Muslim and At-Tirmidhi, and the latter graded it Hasan-Sahih (good and authentic)

However, in an explanation of this hadith it is mentioned:

"Making of vinegar from alcohol by adding something to it is prohibited according to the Shafi madhab; it will not be pure to touch, nor lawful to consume. The stronger opinion is that is lawful once transformed into vinegar. A third opinion considers the intention of the one who made it."

I am confused as Hasan-Sahih hadith which informs of the prohibition of making vinegar from alcohol. While the so called "stronger" opinion is that it is lawful once transformed into vinegar. On what evidence is this opinion stronger?



ummmusa88    -- 26-09-2009 @ 12:39 AM
  asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

i don't remember if i posted this in another thread, but i had a similar
concern about the ruling on vinegar... specially because we consume many
items that have vinegar in them - like tomato ketchup, mayo, white sauce -
yet we don't know how this vinegar was made and whether it was deliberately
changed from alcohol or naturally transformed... Allah knows best. from what
i know, the former path of change is prohibited and the latter is

i wonder if any of the mashaykh have addressed this concern - im not sure if
it would matter in places like ksa, but in the west it would matter...

barakAllahu feekum

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