Topic: M. Baazmool - Can a divorced woman request a khul' from her husband during her 'iddah???

Moosaa    -- 22-06-2003 @ 10:51 PM
  I remember having this question on my mind for about a week or so now, I forgot who asked me to ask it though.  Anyway, the shaykh, Dr. Muhammad 'Umar Baazmool, responded:

"The divorced woman from the first or second divorce can request a khul', as she is considered his wife even during the 'iddah, and there is nothing preventing her from seeking a khul' during this time since she is his wife.  As for the woman who has been irrevocably divorced (the third time), then she may not request a khul', since she is not considered his wife during the 'iddah.  This is what seems correct to me, and Allaah knows best."

Moosaa Richardson

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