Topic: Re: the three categories of Tawheed

ekbal.hussain    -- 06-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM
  Assala mu alaykum,

A brother asked me, which scholar of Ahl us sunnah coined the well known three categories of tawheed;  Tawheed ar-ruboobiyah, Tawheed al-uloohiyah, Tawheed al-asma was sifaat.  Does anybody know?

I once asked a Brother who studies in Madinah, concerning the Ijma of the salaf, that Tawheed of Allah, 'making Allah one' is three categories, and where I could find this Ijma?

He replied that Shaikh Abdul Razzaq ibn Allamah Abdul Muhsin al-abbad quotes this Ijma, in his book: 'Qawl us sadeed fee adillatit tawheed'.  Do any of the students of knowledge on this forum know of the actual wording of the quote? And could you please translate it, if you do know of it, so all the brothers and sisters may benefit from it.

Jazzak allahu khair


Ekbal as-salafi  

ekbal.hussain    -- 07-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM
  Assalamu alaykum,

Jazzak allahu khair akhi! The strange thing is I actually have that particular article in my possesion and I had printed it out and read it!  I can't believe I missed that bit out, concering the categorisation of tawheed! Anyway I really appreciate you pointing it out akhi.  Barrak allahu feek!


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