Topic: What is the first obligation upon us?

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 20-02-2009 @ 10:34 PM
  Q- What is the first obligation upon us?

A ý It is the first thing we have been called towards. The Prophet (peace be upon him) told Muýaadh Bin Jabal when he sent him to Yemen: ýIndeed you are going to the People of the Book, so the first thing to which you shall call them to is the testimty that there is no god except Allah,and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah...ý (Al-Bukhari, the Book of Zakah, no. 1458, 1496, and Sahih Muslim, the Book of Iman, no. 29-31) So the first obligation is to single out Allah (alone for worship), and to testify (that Muhammad, peace be upon him) is His messenger who came with the message (of Islam). By this, one actualizes the purity of intention and adherence (to the messengerýs teachings), both of which are conditions for the acceptance of all types of worship.

ý Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen; Fiqh Al-ýIbadat, Pg. 18.

source: Saudi Gazette newspaper of 25 Safar 1430 H

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