Topic: Souls in the Barzakh vs souls in Jannah

ummmusa88    -- 02-10-2008 @ 6:59 PM
  Asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh,

I just listened to a very benefical talk by Akh Abu Khadeejah mashaAllah, and the life of the Barzakh and Jannah was being discussed. So there are ahaadith about the souls of the believers and martyrs being in Jannah (after death), and we believe that the souls of the Prophets and Messengers alayhum salaam are in Jannah. Yet, there are ahaadith again talking about how the believers will be told to sleep in their graves in peace after being questioned by Munkar and Nakir, and also, they will constantly make dua'a there for Yom al-Qiyaama to come close to they may enter Jannah, and also a specific hadith about Moosaa alayhi salaam being in his grave calling upon Allah. So, how do we reconcile these two concepts? Do we believe the ones who have died are in the Barzakh or in Jannah?

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