Topic: Refuting Democracy and Elections by Shaykh Muhammad al-Imaam

AbuKhadijahKanadi    -- 02-04-2006 @ 11:05 PM
  Bismillah was-Salaatu was-Salaamu ar-RasoolIllah, wa ba'd,

"The Illumination of Darkness in Unveiling the Evils and Uncertainties of Elections", is a book By Shaykh Aboo Nasr Muhammad ibn ?Abdullaah ar-Raymee (nicknamed al-Imaam).  The following is a translation by Shaakir al-Kanadee (student in Dammaj) of the first chapter.  It is a very detailed refutation on democracy, which includes a Q/A regarding MSA's and Usaamah al-Qoosee's recent statements on elections and joining groups and parties.

This translation was given in the form of a telelink with the brothers in Toronto on March 18 and 19, 2006.  I asked Shaakir for permission to spread it, since I have not seen a refutation like it with this much detail on this topic in the English language, Wallahu 'Alam.  May Allah give Shaakir the tawfeeq to complete the translation of this book, Ameen.

The audio will be available at TROID soon, insha-Allah.  May Allah make this a benefit for the Muslims who have been hoodwinked by the many callers and masjids who support this deception, Ameen.

Abul-Haarith Bilaal al-Kanadie

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