Topic: The Siraat Over The Hellfire

Al.Khattakiy    -- 29-11-2005 @ 8:49 AM
  Assalaamu Alaykum..

In his explanation to ?al-Aqeedatut-Tahawiyyah? (point 172, page 202) Saleh al-Fawzaan mentions concerning the siraat over the hell fire as being ?hotter than burning coal?, however the Shaykh does not mention any daleel for this in his sharh. Does anyone have any information on what the Shaykh has mentioned from any narrations, etc?

Baarak?Allaahu Feekum!

Assalaamu Alaykum

ابو يوسف طارق ابن ورشمين خان الختقى

Al.Khattakiy    -- 05-12-2005 @ 8:01 PM

ابو يوسف طارق ابن ورشمين خان الختقى

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