Topic: Al-`Uluww Lil-`Aliyy il-Ghaffaar of al-Imaam adh-Dhahabee

abu.iyaad    -- 24-05-2005 @ 6:37 PM

As Salaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaah

I received two emails today asking about a fatwa of Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan in which he allegedly mentions a book called "al-`Uluww" authored by somebody called "`Ali al-Ghaffaar".

السؤال: ما هو أعظم كتاب يبحث في التوحيد و العقاءد الاسلامية و كيف الحصول على ذلك؟

الجواب:أعظم كتاب و أفضل كتاب يوضح العقيدة الصحيحة هو كتاب الله عز و جل ثم أحاديث رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم و من أحسن الكتب في ذلك كتاب(فتح المجيد) و كتاب (العقيدة الواسطية)، و كتاب(العلو لعلي الغفار)، و كتاب (التوسل و الوسيلة)، و كتاب (مختصر الصواعق المرسلة)، و كتاب (تطهير الاعتقاد) و (شرح الطحاوية

The book is that of al-Haafidh, al-Imaam adh-Dhahabee and not somebody called "`Ali al-Ghaffaar".

The name `Ali al-Ghaffaar contains Ilhaad (deviation) in the Names of Allaah, as nobody is to be called "al-Ghaffaar", and it also comprises Shirk, ("`Ali the Oft-Forgiver"), as no one can forgive besides Allaah.

It appears that what Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan actually said was "Al-`Uluww Lil-`Aliyy il-Ghaffaar (meaning, the Aboveness, Ascendancy of al-`Aliyy, al-Ghaffaar)" and not what has been translated as "al-`Uloo by `Ali al Ghaffaar" - a name comprising both Ilhaad and Shirk.

The book of Imaam adh-Dhahabee is known as "al-`Uluww Lil-`Aliyy il-Ghaffaar", and also as "al-`Uluww lil-`Aliyy il-`Adheem".

أبو عياض أمجد بن محمد رفيق
-=amjad bin muhammad=-

Abu.Maryam.T    -- 25-05-2005 @ 11:13 AM
JazaakAllaahu Khair

An abridgement of the same book (Mukhtasar al-Uloow) is available, authored by Shaykh Muhammad Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaani Rahimahullaah

Also a beneficial article upon the same subject taken from the above mentioned book.

Abu Maryam

This message was edited by Abu.Maryam.T on 5-25-05 @ 11:19 AM

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