Topic: Difference between the names of Allaah al-'Adl & al-'Aadil

Hamza-L-F    -- 18-05-2005 @ 11:58 AM
  Asalaamu 'alaykum

We were hoping, insha'Allaah, a student of knowledge could kindly explain the origin (where it can be found in the Qur'an and/or Sunnah) and difference between the two names of Allaah:

al-'Adl & al-'Aadil

Including examples of the correct use of each name.

Jazakumullaah khair

Wa salaam

Subhaanakallaah humma wa bi Hamdika Ashadu allaa ilaha illa ant, astaghfiruka wa atooba ilayk

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