Topic: Ruqyah for the Kuffaar ?

wasim.ahmed    -- 03-05-2005 @ 4:10 PM
  Bismillaah wassalaatu wassalaam 'ala rasulullaah,

Assalaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu,

Can anyone please ask the 'ulamaa about this issue ? Here in India the kuffaar especially women come to the mosques during the time of salah with their children who are ill,so that the people, after salah can do ruqyah for them.

Is this allowed for us to do. And if allowed what incantation do we recite? Is it alright to recite to Surah al Faatihah or intstead just make du'a for their guidance?

I personally try to avoid them, but many a times they request us to do ruqyah for them & i find it difficult to avoid them.

InshaAllaah, any help in this matter is greatly required here as all Masaajids in India have this issue.

BaarakAllaahu feekum,

wassalaamu 'alaykum,

Abu 'Abdullaah   Waseem Ahmad ibn
'Abd Al Raheem Alhindee

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