Topic: Is the Fitrah Considered a Proof Against Those who Disbelieve? [Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan answers]

Moosaa    -- 27-07-2004 @ 11:53 PM
[Q4]: Is the fitrah considered a proof against those who disbelieve?

[A4]: The proof is established by way of sending the messengers.  As for the fitrah alone, then it is not sufficient as a proof (against someone).  If the fitrah was a proof, then Allaah would not have sent the messengers:

"Messengers, conveyors of glad tidings and warners,
so that the people would have no proof against Allaah
after the (sending of the) messengers."

You do not know what is obligatory, prohibited, or disliked (from the fitrah), these are things that only a messenger can clarify.  Rather, the fitrah is something that makes people inclined towards good.  It is not sufficient by itself.  If a person lived upon the fitrah alone and did not learn or do anything, then this is not sufficient.

[From: Things that Nullify One's Islaam, explained by Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan]

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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