Topic: bizaree question about owls

Abu.Yaqoob.Jhangir    -- 26-01-2004 @ 12:49 AM
  question: i know Allaah is the sole Creator but my mum told me that the reason owls cant defecate is that they dont have an anus and this is due to the "angel resposible for creating that creature, he forgot to create the anus for these kind of birds which is why the regurgetate (throw up undegestable food)"..

*just to note, owls do remove there waste via this regurgetation but also when i looked at some websites, one mention that:

"This material, along with other waste collected throughout the body, is ejected from the vent, which is the combination reproductive and excretory opening in birds. The pasty white excrement is known as urea. It is very rich in nitrogen and similar to urine in mammals, only thicker." from

the real question begins,

Is there any proof from the Qur'aan or Sunnah stating that Allaah ta'alaa gives authority to angels to create anything Allaah ta'alaa tells them to?

second matter is that this persons mum said the "angel forgot..", do angels forget? This would be affirming the shi'ah claim that Jibra'eel alayhisalaam forgot to give the Qur'aan to the right person, i.e. it should have went to Ali radiyallaahu anhu instead of Muhammmad sallalaahu alayhi wasalam, Aoothu billaah!

please some naseeha on this insha'Allaah

jazakallahu khairan

Abu Yaqoob

ifthikar.saifudeen    -- 31-03-2004 @ 6:50 PM
  Assalaamualaikum brother Abu Yaqoob,

The burden of proof is upon the claimant.  So it's upon the one who is making the claim to provide the evidence.  See Imam An-Nawawi's forty hadith (hadith # 33) for more on this principle.

Wallaahu Musta'aan,

Barakallah feek,

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