Topic: understanding aqeedah?

Umm.Eeasa.Beg    -- 10-06-2003 @ 4:51 PM
  Bismillah Ar Rahmaan Ar Raheem
Asalamu aleykum wa rahmtuallah
I would like some advice and guidance on how to approach understanding aqqedah.
How do I learn it and what is the best way to learn it. What books are are the best if I have few people to confer with or gain understanding from, i.e. what books are straight forward.  What sites and links are the best at giving info about the basics.
I would like to learn the basics, but would also like to be sure about the depth of learning that is required to cover the basics.
I hear a lot of aqeedah but need clarity understanding the basics.
I would appreciate any info on this from people of knowledge and those in the same situation as me.
InshaAllah may Allah Subhanhu wa ta' aala reward your efforts.
wasalamu aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakathu.

UmmRajaa    -- 10-06-2003 @ 5:26 PM
  Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Alhamdulilah was-salaatu was-salaam ala Rasulillah.

as-salaamu alaikum

If you go to there is a section "I am a Muslim and wish to learn the basics... [Enter Here]" Therein you will find a lot of beneficial articles, maashaAllah. May Allah reward the brothers for their efforts, ameen. Hope this helps.

Umm Rajaa

s.alhashimi    -- 11-06-2003 @ 6:57 PM
  The first book you should purchase and is must for the one seeking knowledge to study is Usoolu Thalatha (the Three Fundamental Principles) by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahaab rahimullah, w/ Explaination by Shaykh Muhammad Saalih Uthaymeen rahimullah. This book is extremely easy and is full of benifit from cover to cover.

Also there is a book by the title of "the CREED" by Imamus Sunnah Shaykh BARBAHAAREE (324h). This is clear and simple to read book in a good format
that's highly detailed and explained with checking of all the hadeeths.

Also a book called "Methodolgy of the Saved Sect" is another book of aqeedah clear and easy to read this book is by Shaykh Muhammad Zino of Makka. You should be able to find these books with a little effort. Study one at a time and you will reach that which you seek. beithnelahe ta a'la. (by the permission of Allaah).


Was salaam

Sulayman Ibn James Johnson,    Atlantic City NJ

This message was edited by s.alhashimi on 6-11-03 @ 7:20 PM

Umm.Eeasa.Beg    -- 11-06-2003 @ 7:13 PM
  Asalamu aleykum
Jazakallahu khair for your info so far.
Where can I find these books... 'with little effort', can you name me a website InshaAllah, it would be useful.
I have one book called the correct islamic aqeedah and that which opposes it by shaykh ibn baaz rahimahullah.  It goes through understanding emaan but its not a very big book and I dont know if there is a lot of detail that is required in understanding the six pillars.  Does anyone else know?
wasalamu aleykum
umm eeasa

Umm.Eeasa.Beg    -- 11-06-2003 @ 7:26 PM
  Asalamu aleykum
I note that from the spubs site that you gave me sister umm raja there is an article called 'Aqeedah Comes First : Understanding the Need for Tawheed'.
Previously I talked about the six pillars emaan, is tawheed the first pillar of emaan?
I have been learning tawheed but did not ever make this link!!
I thought that tawheed was the first pillar of islaam.
Is this correct?
Can anyone shed any light on this?

s.alhashimi    -- 11-06-2003 @ 6:57 PM
  as salamu alaykum wa rahmantullah
please read over my post because i added a very important book. namely usoolu thalatha. All of these books can be purchased if your in the states from if your in the Uk then check

[url= ] [/url]  for a link to their bookstore.

Umm.Eeasa.Beg    -- 11-06-2003 @ 7:38 PM
  Asalamu aleykum
I do have this book that you named, but I find it hard to digest.
I need help with it.
Ill try again inshaAllah and see how it goes.
Jazakallahu khair

MSbN.Ahmad    -- 12-06-2003 @ 5:26 PM

If you go to the Salafi College on the main spubs site inshaa'Allaah you will find many articles under 'On Eemaan, Ibaadah and Tawheed; Their link and interrelation'.  Inshaa'Allaah lesson 1 'Eemaan consists of speech and action' will answer your question about how tawheed links in with eemaan.

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