Topic: There is not god but Allaah = Wahdat ul-Wujood    -- 03-05-2003 @ 12:00 AM

In his refutation of Mohammad Qutb and his explaining the meaning of ?laa ilaaha illallaaha? to mean, ?there is no deity (ma'bood) but Allah and no haakim but Allaah), Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan explains within his answer, ??So he (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) explained that the meaning of ?laa ilaaha ilallaaha? is singling out Allaah with worship, all of it, and no  just with Haakimiyyah alone? and as for explaining it with Haakimiyyah, then it is a deficient tafseer, and it does not give the meaning of laa ilaaha illallaaha? and the tafseer that ?there is no deity (ma'bood) except Allaah (given by Mohammad Qutb) is a baatil, false tafseer, since wahdatul wujood (unity of existence) is necessitated by it? and it is obligatory to say ?there is no diety in truth, except Allaah?.? (al-Ajwibah al-Mufeedah, p.68).

The explanation of the Kalimah as "there is no god, diety, but Allaah", implies that everything that is worshipped is but Allaah, which necessitates wahdat ul-wujood, since amongst the people is one who worships the sun, or the moon, or the stars, or the trees, or the rocks, or the dead people, or the wind and rain, and so on.

The correct meaning is "there is nothing (no deity, god) worthy of being worshipped (in truth) except Allaah".


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