Topic: The Pillars of Kufr

AbooTasneem    -- 20-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM
  We are all fully aware that Islaam has pillars which equal five. But we also need to know that Kufr has pillars.

We need to know what they are, so that we can stay far, far away from them. For if all of them reside inside of us at the same time, we will be doomed for sure!

According to some of the Imaams of the Salaf like Ibnul Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy upon him the Pillars of Kufr are four: Al-Kibr, wal-Hasad, wal-Ghadab wash-Shahwah:

1) Al-Kibr (Arrogant Pride) is that which restricts the individual from submitting to Allaah and His obedience !

2) Al-Hasad (Envy/Jealously) is that which restricts him from accepting naseehah (good advice) and submitting to it !

3) Al-Ghadab (Anger) is that which prevents him from being just and impartial !

4) Ash-Shahwah (Desire and Carnal Appetite) is that which restricts him from being devoted to worship !

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