Topic: have u heard this before?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

umm.aboo.yahyaa    -- 10-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  many years ago i read a hadeeth which i'm sure was from riyaadhus saaliheen but i have looked many times since then and can't find it. has anyone read this hadeeth before?

it goes something like this:

'Allaah created the trees on the first day, the plants on the second day....'

it sort of sounds like the first few verses of the bible.

jazakaAllaahu khair

AbooTasneem    -- 10-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM
  Aboo Hurayrah reported that Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam took hold of my hand then said:

"Allaah Azza wa Jalla created at-Turbah (dirt) on Yaumus Sabt (Saturday) and He created al-Jibaal (mountains) on Yaumul Ahad (Sunday) and He created ash-Shajar (trees) on Yaumul Ithnayn (Monday) and He created al-Makrooh (the things involving livelihood, working and the things coming from the Earth that are used to properly carry out those functions like iron) on Yaumuth Thulathaa (Tuesday) and created an-Noor (light) or an-Noon (fish) [as it appears in some other narrations in Saheeh Muslim] on Yaumul Arbiyaa (Wednesday) and He caused animals to spread on Yaumul Khamees (Thursday) and created Aadam alaihis Salaam after Asr on Yaumul Jumu'ah (Friday).

The last creation at the last hour of the hours of Jumu'ah which is between al-Asr (afternoon) and al-Layl (night)".

English translation of Saheeh Muslim, the 'Book Giving the Description of the Day of Resurrection, Paradise and Hell', hadeeth #6707, volume 4 page 1462.

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