Topic: the name Al-Baatin

ummmusa88    -- 04-03-2011 @ 4:45 PM
  asalamu alaykum,

we have the explanation of this name of Allaah in the authentic narration in
which the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said "وأنت الباطن فليس دونك

i saw that this was translated as "the Most Near" in many places,

but can someone mention if any of the scholars said this?

because Shaykh Abdul Muhsin al-Abbaad said concerning it:

"Al-Baatin: meaning that nothing is hidden from Allaah, azza wa jal,
rather He knows the hidden and apparent affairs, and He surrounds all

and Shaykh ibn Uthaymeen said:

"Al-Baatin: He knows the hidden affairs, and He surrounds all things in
knowledge, power, authority, and so on

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