Topic: Aqeedah of Imaam Sahnoon

sajid_chauhan_81    -- 11-05-2010 @ 1:36 PM

Yahya ibn Awn said: I was with Sahnoon when we visited Ibn ul Qassaar who was lying sick.

Sahnoon said to him, "Why are you worried?"

Ibn ul Qassaar answered, "Because of death and because I will come to Allaah."

Sahnoon said: "Don't you believe in
  • the Messengers,
  • Judgement day,
  • The reckoning,
  • Paradise,
  • Hell,
  • that Abu Bakr and thereafter Umar are the best people of this Ummah,
  • that the Qur'an is the speech of Allah and that it is not created,
  • that one will see Allaah on Yawm ul Qiyamah,
  • that He has istawa (risen above) His Throne,
  • and that it is forbidden to revolt against the rulers even if they are unjust?
Ibn ul Qassaar replied: I swear by Allaah that I do (believe in this)!

Sahnoon then said: Die if you want to, die if you want to!

source: Siyar A'laam Al-Nubalaa' 12/67

Hope someone can give more info regarding these Aimmah of the Salaf and also give a takhreej of this narration. WAllaahu aalam.

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