Topic: Benefit: Definition of a Prophet

Troid.Org    -- 26-02-2010 @ 5:00 PM
  In the Name of Allaah, Ar-Rahmaan, Ar-Raheem...

An excerpt from the upcoming publication:

تنوير العقول في الفرق بين النبي والرسول
Tanweerul-'Uqool Fil-Farq Baynan-Nabee war-Rasool
(Enlightenment for the Mind in Explanation of: The Difference between a Prophet and a Messenger)
Author: Shaykh Muhammad al-Imaam

We ask Allaah to make its completion possible.

Definition of an-Nabee النبي in the Language and It's Usage

The essence of the definitions from the scholars of the language for the term 'an-Nabee' can be summed up in three different sayings:

1.    The meaning of it is: the one who brings information about Allaah and conveys His legislation, either being urged to do so (by Allaah) or without being urged. And this definition is the preference of most of the scholars of the language.1

2.    That it is derived from the word: "النبو An-Nubuw" to be far off, distant. And it is الارتفاع al-Irtafaa'a (elevation). And an-Nabee with this definition means: The one who is favoured over the rest of the people with the raising of his rank. So he is elevated above the creation and his status is raised amongst them. And upon this definition some of the people of knowledge are united.2

3.    Its meaning is: الطريق at-Tareeq (path or way) and he is called an-Nabee because he is the way to guidance.

These three definitions are (all correct). For verily, the Prophets are chosen (by Allaah) with Wahi (revelation) from Allaah to convey His legislation and to follow it.

1 "Lisaanul-'Arab" 1/162, "Mukhtaarul-Sihaah" page 642, "Mu'jam Muqaayeesul-Lughah" 5/385, "An- Nihaayah" 5/3-4
2 "Lisaanul-'Arab" 15/302, "Mu'jam Muqaayeesul-Lughah" 5/385, "Ishtiqaaq-ul-Asmaa'" by az-Zujaajee, page 294

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