Topic: "Six Events From The Life of The Prophet Muhammed"

zejd.peqin    -- 25-01-2010 @ 12:22 AM
  Salam alaykum

I am searching for the book:

"Six Events From The Life of The Prophet Muhammed" of the author Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab

With the explanation of Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzaan,or with the explanation of an another shaykh.

Here in Albania those who have takfiri manhaj are abusing much with this book and with other books of shaykh Abduluehab,and other ulemas from Najd area.

They are comenting them by their minds and are using them to make takfir to the Muslims.

zejd.peqin    -- 29-01-2010 @ 2:01 PM
  I found the book but it is in audio.I am interested to have it in text format.It will be useful if you find a book that is online.

If you find it ,please reply to this topic.

Six Events From The
Life of The Prophet Muhammed
- Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab

With the explanation of Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzaan

Live telelink with Shaykh Hassan ibn Abdul Wahab al Banna

IbnNathaniel    -- 29-01-2010 @ 6:46 PM

   The book is here in Cairo. The one that I have comes with other treatises written by the Shaikh (may Allaah have mercy upon him) . Shaikh Fawzan (may Allaah preserve him) has explained all the treatise in the book.The book is called "Silsillatu Sharh Ar-risaail" by Dar Imam Ahmed

abu.jamaal    -- 30-01-2010 @ 4:33 AM
  Assalaamu Alaika

Below is a link to the book Sharh Silsilatu Ar-Rasaail which contains the explanation of Six Events that Occurred During the Lifetime of the Prophet:

Sharh Silsilatu Ar-Rasaail

Below is a link to the translation of the book:

[url=]An Explanation of Six Events that Occurred During the Lifetime of the Prophet[/url]

Insha Allah this helps.

Assalaamu Alaika

Abu Jamaal Shadeed ibn Holmes

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