Topic: The Danger of Being Ignorant About Polytheism (ash-Shirk)!

yasin3683    -- 22-12-2009 @ 3:48 AM
  Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah

Amma ba'd

The Danger of Being Ignorant About Polytheism (ash-Shirk)!

On the authority of Aboo Waaqid al-Laythi* (radiallaahu 'anhu):
"As new muslims, we traveled with the Messenger of Allaah, salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, with the purpose of participating in the battle of Hunayn.** While we were traveling, we noticed that the polytheists (al-Mushrikeen) had a [special] tree on which they hung their weapons in order to receive blessings.

Seeing their tree caused us to say to the Messenger of Allaah, 'Specify a tree for us on which we can hang our weapons just like they have a tree on which they can hang their weapons.' So the Messenger of Allaah, salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, said, 'Subhaan Allaah (in order to show displeasure)! This is the same statement that [Prophet] Moosaa's people said to him. They said, 'Make a god for us just like they have gods.'
*** I swear by Allaah that you will follow the ways of the people who came before you." ****

Shaykh Muhammad 'Abdul-Wahhaab [d.AH 1206], rahimahullaah, wrote: "There are numerous benefits to be taken from this story:

- It is possible for a laymen and a scholar to fall into polytheism (as-Shirk) unknowingly.

- One should learn and study the topic of monotheism (at-Tawheed) diligently.

- Whoever says that he has mastered the topic of monotheism, he has reached the epitome of ignorance.

- Neglecting the study of monotheism is from the plots of the devil (as-Shaytaan).  

- If a Muslim makes an honest mistake by making a statement that necessitates disbelief, he does not become a disbeliever because of that statement as long as:

1. He made the statement due to ignorance; [not purposely].

2. He repents from his statement once it is made clear to him that his statement is a mistake. This is because [Prophet] Moosaa's people and the Companions were not declared disbelievers because of their statements.

- Even though a person who makes a statement of disbelief mistakenly doesn't leave the fold of Islam, he should still be firmly scolded; just as the Messenger of Allaah, salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, firmly scolded his Companions ('Abdul-Wahhab 89, 90)." *****  

  • Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan, hafidhahullaah, mentions an added benefit from this story; he says,
    "In this story, you see the dangers of associating with non-Muslims. Associating with non-Muslims could lead a person to fall into polytheism."
    (Al-Fawzaan 103) ******

    Compiled and Translated by:
    Jameel Finch al-Makki; Click for this article and others
    Umm al-Quraa University
    Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
    Thu al-Hijjah 3, 1430 / November 19, 2009


    * Abu Waaqid al-Haarith Maalik al-Laythi [d.AH 68] was from the Companions of the Messenger of Allaah, salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. He is commonly known by the name: Abu Waaqid al-Laythi. He passed away 68 years after the resettling of the Muslims from Makkah to al-Madinah at the age of 85. Radiallaahu 'anhu. [Aadam, Muhammad. A Summarized Version of the Narrators of al-Bukhaari and Muslim. Ad-Dammam: Dar Ibn al-Jawzi. AH 1430/2009. (pg. 273)]

    ** Hunayn: A place between Makkah and Taaif where the Muslims fought a battle after the conquering of Makkah. [Sa'dee, 'Abdur-Rahman. Explanation of the Qur`an. Ad-Damaam: Dar Ibn al-Jawzi. AH 1422/2001. (vol. 2/744)]

    *** Surah al-A'raaf: 138

    **** Authentic: Al-Albaanee, Naasir ad-Deen. Al-Imam Tirmithi's Collection of Prophetic Narrations. Ar-Riyaadh: Maktabah Ma'arif. First Print. (pg. 493/2180)

    ***** 'Abdul-Wahhab, Muhammad. Removing the Doubts. Ar-Riyaadh: Dar as-Samay'ee. AH 1418/1998

    ******  Al-Fawzaan, Saalih. An Explanation of Removing the Doubts. Al-Emirates: Maktabah al-Furqaan. AH 1426/2005  

    Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

    If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

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