Topic: al-Barakah (Blessing) is Sought from Allaah alone

yasin3683    -- 24-11-2009 @ 7:11 AM
  Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah
Amma ba'd

Seeking Blessings From Maktabah Makkah?

quote: is not allowed to seek blessings (at-Tabarruk) from buildings, stones, trees, houses and other than that. But rather al-Barakah (blessing) is only sought from Allaah, the Majestic and the Most High. For indeed blessing is from Him, and He is the One Who bestows the blessing and therefore al-Barakah is requested from Him alone and sought from Him the Most Perfect and the Most High.

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

yasin3683    -- 25-11-2009 @ 12:29 AM
  Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah
Amma ba'd

It is Not Allowed to Seek Blessings Through the Dead

[url=]Seeking Blessings for the house through Sacrificing is Shirk[/url]

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

yasin3683    -- 28-01-2010 @ 1:25 AM
  Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah

The Understanding of Tabarruk with Ahl us-Sunnah, by Salih Aal ash-Shaikh

The Sole Owner and Distributor of Barakah is Allaah.

When one reflects upon the Qur`an, one finds that it indicates that barakah [blessing] is from Allaah and is to be requested from Him, the Most High. It is also He alone Who places it whomever He wills from His servants and in whatever He wills from His creation.

Blessed be Allaah, Lord of the Worlds (7:54)
Blessed be He in Whose Hand is the Dominion (67:1)
Blessed be He Who sent down the Criterion upon His Slave (25:1)
Blessed be He who has placed in the heaven big stars (25:61)
So Blessed be Allaah, the Best of all creators (23:14)
Blessed be the Name of Your Lord, the Owner of Majesty and Honour (55:78)

And this is indicated by the fact that the word "tabaaraka" occurs in the Qur`an being attached only to Allaah and nothing else. And this shows that all the Barakah belongs to Allaah, that it all originates from Him and that He gives Barakah to various categories from His creation.

Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk  

If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.

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